032 Prayer Of Confession

Aug 9, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

If there is a weight of guilt on your back, you can receive God’s restoration by seeking Him in agreement and with brokenness. More than just for the “big things” like robbery, confession is something that God has given you to do daily for things big and small that cause guilt & shame. God is more than willing to give you the needed relief from carrying the guilt of whatever is unconfessed. One of the primary blessings of Jesus Christ’s work on the cross was the blessing of removing the guilt and shame that sin causes.

Giving money, making a donation, or doing a “good deed” won’t relieve the weight that sin causes. God has shown us that the sacrifice He desires is when our spirit mourns our sin as we humbly turn them over to God through confession. God will never reject anyone who comes to Him honestly and humbly. No matter our age, or how much of the Bible we know or don’t know, God will receive us and never turn us away if we are willing to be transparent with Him.

Whatever is weighing you down in guilt and shame, you can find God’s relief and restoration today with prayers of confession