028 Sow Humility & Reap Happiness

Jul 12, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando

Are you happy? Have you found happiness? People have been singing about it for years. The Turtles sang Happy Together, and Pharell Williams joined in by releasing his song Happy in 2013. And we know what to do if we’re happy and we know it right? (Hint: clap your hands) Unfortunately in America the percentage of people who are happy drops. We are a nation where the Declaration Of Independence defended and secured our right to pursue happiness, yet long-lasting happiness remains to be elusive for many. Even in churches, some believe that there are Happy Detectors at the door for anyone who’s smiling or having a good day to trade their happiness for religion and acting stoic instead.

Where can we go for happiness? The answer is God. God is the Author of happiness, and not just temporary happiness. Happiness from God is legitimate and long-lasting. In Jesus’ first recorded sermon=, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached on happiness with the beatitudes each starting with “blessed are” meaning “happy are.” When we pursue happiness God’s way, it is then that we can have a legitimate happiness in our hearts and minds that’s greater than our circumstances, limitations, hardships, and challenges.

How do we get this happiness God’s way? It starts with humility. Like happiness, humility is something God does not tell us once to pray for in the Bible. Humility is not something we receive, rather it is something we choose to do. We choose to be happy by choosing to be humble God’s way.

Come and learn four choices of humility that lead to long-lasting happiness with Sow Humility And Reap Happiness.