Share The Magnification Of Christmas

Dec 20, 2015    Pastor Ray Parascando    Luke 1:46-56

When looking up into the sky, the different stars and planets can appear to be so small. Looking from our vantage point on earth they look like small specks. At some point in your life you may have looked at those seemingly small stars and through the magnifying lenses gained a glimpse of the reality of their size. Even the sun, which at times looks merely to be the size of your fist, in reality, is over 800,000 miles in diameter.

Sometimes by the way we live our lives, or by the way we think, God can seem just as small, like the stars in the sky. It is when we magnify God that we realize the true size and importance of God.

You don’t magnify God to make Him big, God is big all on His own. When you magnify God, it’s about drawing closer to Him and enlarging Him in your life, by making God the biggest part of your life.

As we look to Christmas, in order to Share Christmas With Everyone, we need to Share The Magnification Of Christmas.