Battle Of Discouraging Thoughts

Nov 18, 2018    Pastor Ray Parascando

Have you ever felt discouraged? The truth is we all have. We all go through a lot of discouraging moments in our life.  They can play out in our actions, but they also can center in our thoughts, a battle we fight against discouraging thoughts.  Where there was once calmness, confidence, and peace, a drought can come and they can be replaced with depression, despondency, and doubt instead.  At the root of this is the battle of discouragement.

Some; even those who say they are Christian; can say they don’t have to worry bout being discouraged because that’s just for weak people, or for people that don’t know their Bible, for people who don’t pray, or for the weak minded.  The truth is everybody goes through it.  You can have a great career, have great accolades attached to your resume; and you can still go through discouragement.  You can be a great ballplayer, run a great family, or run a great ship, even then, no matter who you are you can battle with thoughts of discouragement.

Fighting the battle is much more than to simply say your prayers, read a few verses, and it will all be better by the time you go home. To say that would be to trivialize the battle of discouragement.  The fact of the matter is that God can give you lasting and legitimate encouragement to help you through the battle. You don’t have to be held prisoner to discouragement any longer. Yes, discouragement is a reality; but let’s get through it.

Someone can make fun of how you’re dressed, comment on how you look, make a remark about your hair, or breathe. They can go even deeper by attacking your character, your purpose in life, or even from going to Church. Problems and stresses that we have in our life can lead to discouragement too. It can get so bad that you can even say to God; “I don’t want to live anymore.”  Maybe you have said that to yourself in your own thoughts. You’re not alone if you’ve had these thoughts. Many figures of the Bible have had these thoughts, and many of us have had these thoughts too. But by a renewed focus on God and by surrounding yourself with encouraging people you can win the battle of discouragement.