Battle Of Insecure Thoughts

Nov 4, 2018    Pastor Ray Parascando

No matter which insecure thought you have, God has a battle plan for you to win the war of insecure thoughts in your mind. Do you ever find yourself in a state of self-doubt? Lack confidence on the inside? Despite your accomplishments do you feel like a fraud that’s ready to be exposed?  Do you feel that you don’t deserve good relationships? That you don’t deserve good breaks, or that you don’t deserve happiness? If anything good does come into your life do you think it’s going to leave, because you’re just simply not worth it. Do you stay at home and not try to venture out? Set up legalistic borders in your life so you don’t get close to people? Even deeper; do you feel overweight, underweight, ugly, stupid, guilty, or like you have nothing to offer?

The truth of the matter is you’re not alone. Perhaps you’ve wandered into the wilderness of insecurity; but by God’s grace, the war in your mind can be won.