Beatitudes Small Group Series
Matthew 5:1-12
Session 1 | Introduction
Pastor Ray Parascando
Session 2 | Blessed Are The Humble
Pastor Ray Parascando
Session 3 | Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Daniel Cognetta
Session 4 | Blessed Are The Meek
Pastor Ray Parascando
Session 5 | Blessed Are The Hungry
John Palombo
Session 6 | Blessed Are The Merciful
Pastor Ray Parascando
Session 7 | Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Daniel Cognetta
Session 8 | Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Pastor Ray Parascando
Session 9 | Blessed Are The Persecuted
John Palombo
Session 10 | Blessed Are the Faithful
Pastor Ray Parascando