Grace Goal Of Diligence

Feb 7, 2016    Pastor Ray Parascando

God requires you to be a diligent person. If you want to be good in your studies, you have to be diligent to prepare for the exam. If you’re an athlete, you have to be diligent in how you prepare, in how you train.

Athletes that make it to championships don’t just step between the lines of the field, and all of a sudden it just comes together. There have been years of practice. There have been thousands of hours vested into diligently being the players and the teams that they are.

The same is true in your spiritual life. You can’t just snap your fingers and all of a sudden you’re spiritually mature.

There are some that put out false teachings that you just have to “think it will happen” and it’ll happen, or just “speak it into being” and things are going to go your way.

The truth is that it’s not about snapping fingers, or thinking, or speaking about things until they happen. It’s about being diligent in your pursuit of God.

As you diligently pursue God, that will spill over into the other important areas of your life including your family, your occupation, and the dreams you want to reach. If you make this commitment to say “I want to diligently pursue God” it will bless your life.

Set the goal of diligence by committing to putting forth a diligent effort in all that you do.