God Has A Promise For Me
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, He has a place for you in His home.
Perhaps you have a lot of experience, degrees, successes, or job titles. God wants you to stay humble, and know that He has a place for you in His home.
On the other side of the spectrum, you may think that you are too much of a screwup and have messed up your life so much that God doesn’t want you in His home. There may be people who have said that to you, but God never said that. He has a place for you in His home.
You may feel inadequate, that you are not doing enough, that you don’t deserve to be in God’s home. God has a place for you in His home.
God has put out the welcome mat for all of us in His home. God has a place for you in His home, God has a place for you in His Church, and has specific purposes for you in your life. And today we see that God has promises for you.