Dealing With Distractions | Availability Piece
Apr 22, 2018 • Pastor Ray Parascando
Dealing with your distractions makes you available to pray. Distractions are all around you and those distractions can get in the way of you seeking God. Not all distractions are of bad things they can be good things as well. Some can be our burdens, bad habits, and boasts. One major distraction that can go unnoticed is busyness.
We are busy people. “It would be faster if I just do it myself”; “if I want it done right, I’ve got to do it myself”; “I like being busy”; “I don’t mind helping out” can all be phrases you find yourself or others saying. Even children are developing anxiety disorders at young ages because of busyness. It flies under the radar and if you’re not careful it can rob you of your joy and your relationship with God.