Full Veterans Service

Nov 20, 2016    Pastor Ray Parascando

We honor and recognize the men and women who have preserved our freedom in the past and have given us the beautiful privilege to gather Sunday after Sunday at Church. We thank God for every man and woman who has served in the past, and for those that are currently serving.

As we honor Veterans, our country needs to be reminded of two very important things. First and foremost, is God. We’ve been endowed by our loving Almighty Creator with the gifts and abilities we have, including the gifts and abilities of our Veterans to answer the call to serve and defend our country. Secondly, of course, our country needs to be reminded of our Veterans. Care, provision, respect, and honor belongs to those who have put on the uniform, who have put themselves in harm's way, and without question reflect and embody the qualities of Christ and His sacrificial love. It is fitting that we honor Veterans, these true heroes of America.

Our focus needs to be on Veterans each and every day of the year, and in this season of Thanksgiving, perhaps there is nothing more to be thankful for than the men and women who have served our country and have afforded us the freedoms and privileges that we share.