Church Online | Cultivation Principle

May 10, 2020    Pastor Ray Parascando    Matthew 6:11

Welcome To Church Online - Sunday, May 10, 2020
Today’s Message: The Cultivation Principle
Planting A Seed When There’s A Prayer Need

Have you ever felt sometimes when you talk to God that it seems like you’re talking to a wall? That’s how we all can feel at times. Our prayers may be righteous and well-intended, but perhaps we are not following the example the Lord gave to us in how to pray. To grow a plant there’s a lot that’s involved. The ground has to be prepared for the plant; the seed planted and covered; the ground fertilized, watered, and given proper sunlight; and there’s a lot of waiting involved. If you want to reap a harvest there’s a way to sow the seed that will allow it to grow fruitfully. Just as if you want to grow a plant there’s a way to sow seed; if you want to grow in fruitful prayer, there’s a way to sow spiritual seeds as well. Thankfully, God has shown us the way through what we know as the Lord’s Prayer, or the Our Father prayer, especially when it comes to “give us this day our daily bread.” Learning from this verse you can know that with the Cultivation Principle, where there’s a prayer need, plant a seed.