Overcoming The Obstacle Of Ingratitude
Ingratitude is a tremendous barrier to being thankful in your marriage, in your job, in your life, where you are, and your relationship with God. There are many sins that people like to talk about and pick on, but one of the greatest sins that we can struggle with is ingratitude.
We see the obstacle of ingratitude all the way back to the garden of Eden. With all that God blessed Adam and Eve with, the ingratitude that they had for God’s blessings ultimately was a part of Adam & Eve listening to the enemy, and going against God.
Ingratitude can be seen when we don’t honor God for what He’s done, and when we become complacent in that which He’s given to us. It’s seen when we start window-shopping other people’s lives or get caught up in “what can I get”.
We can easily get caught up with the attitude of ingratitude. But by looking into God’s Word, we can overcome the obstacle of ingratitude and develop an attitude of gratitude.