Pursue God's Peace

Pursue God's Peace | March 3, 2024

Are you mulling over a big decision, or do you have a deadline that requires a choice? Need help with people who drain your patience? Or, is adversity going on right now and you need answers and direction? Typically, we look to human resources to resolve these questions, but that recourse never ends well. What we need is God's peace!

First, start by evaluating your relationship with God. We know that the peace of God begins with having peace with God through trusting in Christ as your Savior and Lord. Romans 5:1b says, "...we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Peace, first and foremost, is a spiritual matter. Know Jesus, and you will know a peace that surpasses your struggles, but having no belief in Jesus will most undoubtedly equal no peace. Also, we must remember that while we can never lose our salvation, we can lose God's peace by walking away from His will and chasing sin.

Secondly, pursuing God's peace requires your mind. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." If God is an afterthought, meaning that His plans and purposes do not take precedence in your life, don't expect His peace. You are as close to God and His peace as you choose to be. Get in the Scriptures daily, pray, attend church regularly, and set aside time to fast. These "core four habits" will yield a healthy mind focused on the Lord, and you can expect God's peace not to be far behind!

Finally, pursuing God's peace requires a reality check. Sometimes, our problems catch us so off guard that we think we are the only ones experiencing pain. Now, the enemy wants us to crumble into a pit of self-pity, but that will not help you out of your dark place. Common sense and wisdom from the Bible tell us that this life can potentially be challenging and downright unfair at times! Therefore, let us prepare for the trouble but trust Jesus to provide peace.

John 16:33 tells us, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

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